Friday, April 17, 2015


Students, teachers and staff at Igurwa, Kituntu and Rwambaizi Secondary School are using clean cooking stoves. Climate Change Climate change is real affecting us in ways that we can see and feel. Climate change is a threat because the global warming will cause many incidents. We have noticed a drought in our area and unusual rains. Furthermore, even small temperature changes are causing crops to die, decreasing the amount of food available. Rainforest Destruction (deforestation) Forests were cut during refugees influx in the area, trees were replanted after refugees, and sadly at a time when we need more forests, trees are being uprooted at an alarming rate. Deforestation is a rapidly-growing problem in project area. Not only does this mean less trees, less cleansing oxygen, and the displacement of the wildlife, deforestation means a dangerous decrease in a natural fighter of global warming. Removing trees also leads to much drier climates, as trees extract groundwater to release into the air. Our tropical rainforests, which are crucial to stabilizing the climate and to human survival, are being chopped down at a breakneck pace Loss of Biodiversity Each species has a role in our planet, and when one dies out, it can have catastrophic effects on the rest of us. We don’t want to get all “Butterfly Effect” on you but even a population dwindling can cause major problems for the human race. For example, with their role of pollination, the decline of the bee population has a direct effect on both the environment and food production. Currently, many other animals are in danger of becoming extinct, either from being forced out of their habitats by man or by climate change. Explosive Population Growth Human population is growing to a point that our society and systems can’t handle. This problem continues to put a strain on our water, food, well-being, space and sanity.We have made and distributed 26 large size clean cooking stoves to 10 secondary schools in Karagwe. We have also supplied 250 small family size cooking stoves to Rwambaizi, Kibona and Igurwa community in Karagwe. a) Project schedule and milestones on 10 years, including your goals (with figures) Our goal is to train and provide clean cooking stoves to 10,000 households annually. Our target is to reach 100,000 households in 10 years. Our target is to distribute over 150,000- 200,000 stoves in 10 years. b) Project team The project team will include HUDERES management, technicians, community volunteers and local government staff in project areas who are responsible with environment and natural resources. c) Community participation and benefits The community will participate in training especially youth and women groups. The community will form the environmental change agent teams or committees. The beneficiaries are women and youths who usually are responsible for collecting fuel wood. The other beneficiaries are farmers who will benefit from improved weather conditions and general public. Other beneficiaries are schools, institutions like hospitals, prisons and collages d) Overview of any previous or on-going rural energy initiatives in the project area Currently the government through Rural Electrification Agency (REA) is distributing electricity in villages, however due to the cost of electricity in Tanzania, the rural community cannot afford to use electricity for cooking WHY - Expected project outcomes a) Goals, objectives and projected outcomes of the project in the following areas: Our goal is to distribute over 150,000 stoves in ten years. The objective of this project is to reduce carbon in the years using natural ways, improve the biodiversity and save over 40,000,000 trees in 10 years that is 1stoves will save 200 trees a year. - Impacts on communities: creation and/or capacity, benefits The community will benefit from improved weather, using smokeless stoves for cooking, increase natural trees and general environmental standards.

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